Million-Man marches held across Yemen in solidarity with Gaza

Yemen has witnessed on Friday massive rallies in the capital Sanaa and other provinces, reaffirming the Yemeni people’s commitment to stand with Gaza until victory.

Participants in the mass rallies titled, “With Gaza… committed until victory,” reiterated their firm, principled, moral and religious position on the Zionist aggression on Gaza, and their condemnation and rejection of the US-British aggression on Yemen.

The participants raised Yemeni and Palestinian flags, banners of freedom, and posters condemning the Zionist aggression and the genocidal war against the oppressed Palestinian people.

The rallies’ statement affirmed the continuation of the Yemeni people to struggle in all arenas to assist the Palestinian people.

The statement commended the heroic jihad operations carried out by the Jihad and Resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq, as well as the operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea targeting Zionist, American, and British ships heading to the occupied ports of Palestine.

“The operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces represent a firm and principled position and come in the implementation of a religious, moral and humanitarian commitment,” the statement read.

The statement condemned the American position targeting the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) and suspension of basic humanitarian aid provided to the Palestinian people.

It also criticized America’s pressure on donor countries to stop their funds, considering it a shameful stance by the United Nations towards an organization operating under its protection and system.

The rallies’ statement denounced shameful Arab positions, calling on Arab and Islamic peoples to take a stance and put pressure on their governments, especially those countries supporting  the Zionist

The statement called on the free people of the world to earnestly continue boycotting American, Israeli goods and companies supporting them.