The Public Prosecutor announces the release of more than Seven thousand prisoners

The Attorney General of the Republic of Yemen, Dr. Mohammad Al-Dailami, confirmed the release of more than 7,000,000 prisoners during the past three months.

This came during an event held on the occasion of the release of prisoners in the Central Correctional Facility in Al-Hodidah Governorate, where the Public Prosecutor, Judge Dr. Mohammad Mohammad Al-Dailami, explained that 104 prisoners are those who have served three-quarters of their sentence in prison and do not have special rights for others.

He stated that the release of insolvent prisoners comes within the framework of efforts made in coordination with philanthropists to help the insolvent and ensure their rights to others.

Dr. Al-Dailami praised the help of philanthropists in this blessed month, stressing that Hodeidah Governorate represents a special priority for granting prisoners the right to conditional release and assistance to the indigent.

He pointed out that the release process embodies the responsibility undertaken by the Public Prosecution to follow up on prisoners’ cases, legally release them, and assist them in accordance with the directives of the Revolutionary Leadership and the Supreme Political Council.

The Public Prosecutor pointed out that seven thousand and 421 prisoners were released in various governorates from the month of Rajab until the holy month of Ramadan, stressing that the released prisoners appreciate the efforts made to help them in their release.

For his part, the Governor of the Governorate, Muhammad Ayyash Qahim, praised the Attorney General’s fruitful efforts in following up on the cases of prisoners and their release from the Central Correctional Facility, and field visits to inspect the work of prosecutors, inspect reserve prisons and detention centers, and follow up on the cases of prisoners under investigation.