vK Russian website : it is time to buy Yemeni Air defenese


The Russian vK website “Radio Svbodenva Famul Gota” said that it is time to buy air defenses from Yemen.

The website stated that Yemeni forces are the only ones capable of shooting down American reconnaissance drones.

According to the site, Ansar Allah in Yemen shot down an American MQ-9 Reaper drone in the skies of Al Bayda Governorate, this was stated by military representative Yahya Saree.

Brigadier General Saree said, “The air defense systems of the Yemeni Armed Forces shot down an American MQ-9 [Reaper] drone while it was carrying out a hostile mission in the skies of Al-Bayda Governorate.”

He added, “The drone was hit by a home-made surface-to-air missile.”

The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces indicated that this is the fifth American drone that the Yemeni air defense forces have shot down since the beginning of the escalation of tensions in the Middle East, which followed the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Gaza Strip. Gaza in October 2023