popular march in Old Sana’a to celebrating September 21 Revolution and supporting Palestine and Lebanon


Old Sana’a District in the capital witnessed an armed popular march as part of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the glorious September 21 Revolution and in solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

The participants in the march toured a number of streets and neighborhoods of the district and alleys of the Old City of Sana’a, with the participation of the Director of the District, Mahdi Arhab, the Director of Mobilization in the District, Rizq Al-Gharara, and a number of officials of the district, graduates of the Tufan Al-Aqsa courses, sheikhs and legal secretaries, social figures, scout students and community committees.


They chanted slogans of freedom and innocence from the enemies of God and His Messenger, and emphasized the continuation of mobilization and general mobilization, and pride in the September 21 Revolution that liberated the homeland from hegemony, dependency and foreign guardianship.

The chants of the participants in the march confirmed their readiness for any of the options of the fifth stage of escalation in confronting the forces of aggression and global arrogance, America and Israel, and confronting all global conspiracies and the forces of aggression until victory is achieved.


The people of Old Sana’a District confirmed their full readiness to implement the directives and decisions of the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, to support Gaza and the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, and to deter the American, Zionist and British enemy.


They reiterated the steadfastness of the Yemeni people’s principled position in supporting the Palestinian people and the valiant resistance, and supporting the choices of the axis of resistance to respond to the crimes of the Zionist enemy entity in the Gaza Strip and all the occupied territories and Lebanon.


The participants in the march denounced the silence of the Arab regimes and their shameful and humiliating inaction.. calling on the Arab peoples to move to stop the massacres of genocide committed by the Zionist enemy in the Gaza Strip, Palestine and Lebanon.