Resistance fronts bless Yemeni operation deep inside Israeli occupation


The resistance fronts and their factions blessed the Yemeni qualitative military operation that targeted a military target of the Israeli enemy in the “Jaffa” area in occupied Palestine as part of the fifth phase of escalation.

The Palestinian Free Movement said in a statement on Sunday, “The Yemeni strike brought down all of the Zionist enemy’s defensive systems in less than 11 minutes, overthrowing the enemy’s security and military system.”

The movement pointed out that the operation is a qualitative development and a major difference in managing the conflict with the Zionist enemy in terms of the strength and ability of the axis of resistance and the support fronts.

For its part, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that “the Yemeni ballistic response deep within the Zionist enemy entity strengthens the deterrence equation and reveals a new fragility of the Zionist entity.”

In a statement on Sunday, the Popular Front stressed that this operation put the Zionist enemy in a state of shock and confusion, revealing once again the fragility of its defense system, which has always relied on American support and its allies.

The Palestinian Resistance Committees blessed the qualitative operation of the Yemeni army, which targeted an important military target in the occupied city of Jaffa with a hypersonic missile.

The committees considered in a statement that the arrival of the Yemeni missile to the city of Jaffa was “a message to the Zionist public that the Netanyahu government is taking you into the abyss.”

The Palestinian Popular Struggle Front blessed the successful missile strike carried out by the Yemeni armed forces in the occupied city of Jaffa (Tel Aviv).

The Front said in a statement on Sunday: “The Yemeni operation led to the creation of new equations in the conflict with the enemy and its supporters.”

The statement indicated that the strike is a natural response to the Zionist aggression against the city of Hodeida and the continuation of the war of extermination against the Palestinian people with American-Western support and Arab complicity.

In turn, the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement considered the success of the Yemeni missile in reaching a military target deep inside the entity and the failure of intercepting it as “a severe failure” added to the Zionist military and security system.

The movement said in a statement on Sunday: “The new qualitative Yemeni operation is a strong message to the entity and its American supporters and the Western coalition that the aggression against the nation will not remain without a response.”

On the other hand, the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades blessed the Yemeni operation that targeted the depths of the Zionist enemy entity with a hypersonic missile.

In a statement, the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades said that today’s operation brought terror into the hearts of more than two million Zionists and demonstrated the abject failure of the Americans with their massed forces and weapons arsenals.

Earlier today, the Yemeni armed forces announced the implementation of a qualitative military operation targeting a military target of the Israeli enemy in the “Jaffa” city in occupied Palestine as part of the fifth phase of escalation.

The Yemeni armed forces explained in a statement that the operation was carried out with a new hypersonic ballistic missile, which succeeded in reaching its target, and the enemy’s defenses failed to intercept it.