Yemen escalates military operations against “Israel’ with Sammad-4 drones, supporting Palestine, Lebanon


Yemen is tightening its grip on the temporary Zionist entity by continuing its military operations deep within enemy territory as part of the fifth phase of Yemeni escalation, supporting the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance.

The Yemeni military operations have seen notable developments, including the launch of the highly advanced (Sammad-4) drone, which officially entered service. This was demonstrated by the targeting of the “Umm al-Rashrash” port with four drones of this type during a high-profile operation carried out by the Yemeni Armed Forces on Tuesday.
Additionally, another operation targeted the capital of the Zionist entity using the “Jaffa” drone, confirming the Yemeni Armed Forces’ practical support for the Palestinian and Lebanese people until the aggression and siege on Gaza are stopped.

This significant operation comes just two days after Zionist airstrikes targeted the city of Al-Hodeidah in western Yemen, resulting in the martyrdom of five civilians and injuring over fifty others.

The swift response signifies that Yemen no longer takes any considerations into account; Zionist aggression will be met with a rapid and painful response, as confirmed by the Yemeni Armed Forces.

Once again, Yemen proves its seriousness in supporting the Palestinian and Lebanese people, refusing to yield or surrender to the threats posed by American, Israeli, and other enemies.

This operation also comes amid widespread anger across the region following the heinous assassination of the martyr leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, whom the enemy assassinated using American bombs weighing 2,000 pounds each. Alternatively, the assassination was carried out by dropping ten vacuum bombs simultaneously in a small geographical area, according to Yemeni military expert Brigadier General Wajih Al-Din.

Brigadier General Wajih Al-Din pointed out that the vacuum bomb, known as the “mother of all bombs,” is an American-made weapon that is among the deadliest and most destructive conventional weapons, surpassed only by nuclear bombs. He added, “The treacherous operation destroyed more than six residential buildings, leveling them to the ground with all their inhabitants.”

Specifications of the Drone:

In 2022, the Yemeni Armed Forces unveiled the (Sammad-4) attack drone, the first unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the Yemeni arsenal capable of carrying ammunition and missiles.

Brigadier General Wajih Al-Din explained that the “(Sammad-4) is a purely Yemeni-made drone that has outperformed Western and American defenses, achieving its intended purpose by reaching enemy military sites in ‘Umm al-Rashrash.’ Although it was revealed three years ago, this is the first use of this type of drone, indicating that we are entering a new phase that will be more lethal and painful for the enemy.”

Alongside the use of the (Sammad-4) drone, the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a significant operation targeting the occupied city of Jaffa, referred to by the enemy as “Tel Aviv,” sending a message that Yemen will continue its military operations and will not abandon its religious and moral duty to support Palestine and Lebanon and throughout the axis of resistance, no matter the sacrifices and losses.

Considering the (Sammad-4) drone’s dual capabilities for reconnaissance and offensive operations, and the long-range “Jaffa” drone with its advanced global-level technologies, the two military operations reflect the high level of power and technological advancement the Yemeni army has reached. These capabilities humiliate and shock both America and its favored entity, “Israel,” with surprises repeating day after day, leaving the enemies puzzled and unable to predict the size of Yemen’s Armed Forces, their military equipment, missile arsenal, air and naval capabilities, and advanced technology.

High Offensive Coordination and Power:

Military affairs researcher Zain Al-Abidin Othman confirmed, “In this crucial phase, where the Zionist enemy entity has entered a state of madness and military confusion in Gaza and Lebanon, the Yemeni Armed Forces have begun implementing a new level of operational escalation to strike deep within enemy territory.”

He points out that “after the precise and devastating bombardments with the hypersonic Palestine-2 missiles deep into occupied Jaffa (Tel Aviv), our Armed Forces have initiated a new bridge of fire to expand the range of attacks, targeting both Jaffa and Umm al-Rashrash with drone attacks, using both the Jaffa and Samad-4 drones.”

He confirms that “our Armed Forces are in the process of increasing the power and impact of their offensive operations on the Zionist enemy, with the introduction of the Sammad-4 drones, which are among the latest ‘Kamikaze’ UAVs. These drones possess advanced technologies and capabilities, including an operational range of over 1,800 kilometers, the ability to evade the enemy’s latest radar and defense systems, and the capability to carry a large explosive payload and strike targets with high precision.”

He further explained that “the entry of the Jaffa and Sammad-4 drones into the battlefield alongside the Palestine-2 hypersonic missiles means that our Armed Forces are working toward integrated firepower to achieve the highest level of offensive strength to strike the Israeli entity, delivering devastating blows to its security and vital economy. The upcoming operations will not be isolated attacks but will follow a dual approach of concentrated drone strikes in parallel with ballistic missile attacks, forming a heavy and coordinated firepower.”

He reaffirmed that “the war scenarios Yemen is imposing at this stage do not adhere to a predetermined escalation framework but will push the war beyond its imposed reality, placing the Zionist entity in the crosshairs of unprecedented devastating offensive operations since its occupation of Palestinian land.” He added, “Its vital depth is exposed and will face intensified and escalating strikes, while its strategic depth in Jaffa (Tel Aviv) will remain under threat and subjected to focused bombardments that could target objectives the Zionist entity could neither imagine nor anticipate.”