US Bombing Of Hadhramaut Tribal Alliance Sites


The chaos sponsored by the aggression countries in the occupied southern regions continues to shuffle the cards and control the areas of wealth.

In the latest events, the sites of the so-called “Hadhramaut Tribal Alliance” west of the city of Mukalla in Hadhramaut were subjected to missile attacks.

The alliance confirmed in a statement, according to what was published by identical media outlets, that the alliance point located near the coast of “Ambah” west of Mukalla was subjected to shelling from the sea without mentioning any human or material losses.

The alliance added that after the missile attack, dozens of military vehicles were sent, and the alliance was surprised by the motives of the movements of the forces seeking to destabilize security and stability in the governorate.

It explained that there are those who seek to blow up the situation in Hadhramaut, describing these attacks as dangerous indicators that will lead to major clashes.

The alliance indicated in its statement that these attacks will not deter it from the demands and will move forward to defend the dignity, security and stability of Hadhramaut and preserve its wealth and rights, according to its description.

The leadership of the so-called “Second Region” in Mukalla and the “Hadhrami Elite” denied carrying out any attacks against the alliance’s sites, amid accusations that the Emirati and American forces present at Al-Rayyan Airport carried out the bombing.

Meanwhile, journalist for the tribal alliance, Sabri bin Makhashin, confirmed that the bombing that targeted the alliance’s sites west of Hadhramaut was from one of the American naval battleships present in the Arabian Sea.