Authors Posts by Al-Thawra Net

Al-Thawra Net


Al Thawra Net A security source confirmed that Yemeni army and popular committees  the inflicted Saudi aggression’s mercenaries many losses in al-Zaher district in al-Bidha...

Al-Thawra Net Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen, Arrived Sana'a today  to meet the political parties for peace talks. "The atmosphere of...

Al-Thawra Net A protester carrying a replica of the Paveway IV missile, with the words “Made in Britain, destroying lives in Yemen” emblazoned on its...

Al-Thawra Net Today, five dummy 'missiles' delivered to Downing Street to protest arms sales to Saudi Arabia which 'could be used to commit war crimes...

Al-Thawra Net March 16th, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) began distributing food vouchers to assist close to 120,000 people living in Sana’a city...

Al-Thawra Net "The women of Yemen play a vital role in the current crisis", said Mr. Jamie McGoldrick, UN Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen. Coinciding with the...

Al-Thawra Net March 17th, security official said that the Saudi-led coalition war jets launched two raids on the Capital Sana'a. The official added that the warplanes...

Al-Thawra Net The United States should stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia, or they could be held accountable for war crimes committed in Yemen, Human...

Al-Thawra Net March 16th, Modaher al-Abbasi, Deputy minister of planning and international cooperation, and the Jamie McGoldrick, U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, held a meeting...

Al-Thawra Net Jamie McGoldrick, U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, stressed that the humanitarian situation in Yemen has severely deteriorated. In a press conference held in Sana'a...