Yemen: Dialysis Treatment At Breaking Point

Al-Thwara Net

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said that more than 400 thousands are renal failure patients and their lives in danger. MSF called all the international organizations to support the dialysis centers in Yemen, indicating that.

MSF statement clarified that most of the dialysis centers in Yemen lack the essential supplies and equipments, that led to stop the patients urgent treatment.

According to MSF statement, MSF is providing drugs and supplies that will be used to treat a total of 660 patients over a six month period.

“There are treatment facilities in the country and adequate numbers of trained staff. The imperative now is for these centres to receive regular medical supplies and continue to provide reliable life-saving treatment. The war has crippled the health system’s financial ability to import the necessary supplies making the need for external support the highest priority” said William Turner, MSF Head of Mission in Yemen..