Armed Forces Spokesman: Military options open to respond to the Saudi-American aggression Crimes on Yemen

Al-Thawra Net

Gen. Sharaf Ghalib Luqman, Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman, said that the military options of the army and the popular committees are open at all levels to respond to the crimes of the ongoing Saudi-American aggression against the Yemeni people.

“Our military capabilities are better now than ever, and we are translating a new reality in the field to undermine the enemy movements and attack all its strategic military bases within the depth of the Saudi that use to launch military operations against Yemen,” Gen. Sharaf Ghalib Luqman said in Statement.

“Our military operations have been and will remain within the legitimate and legal right guaranteed by all divine laws and constitutions in the defense of the homeland and the right to life which the coalition of aggression is trying to deprive the Yemeni people, “ he Added.