Mass Rally in Sa’ada Under the Slogan “Cry Towards Al-Aqsa”

Al-Thawra Net

The citizens of Sa’ada province organized a mass rally under the slogan a “Cry Towards al-Aqsa” in solidarity with al-Quds al-Sharif.

The demonstration included a military parade of units of the Central Security forces and Popular Committees, reflecting the readiness to defend the homeland, land and dignity.

During the demonstration, speeches and poems were delivered expressing the importance of the Qur’anic project and the discontented and screaming attitude in the face of the arrogant and tyrants.

Participants stressed the need to continue hostility against the Israeli enemy and for all those who are hostile to Islam and Muslims or to support the enemies of the nation.

A statement of the rally confirmed the centrality of the issue of al-Aqsa al-Mubarak and the whole issue of the Islamic Nation “Ummah”, Condemning the criminal acts and actions carried out by the Zionist enemy of blatant assaults on al- Aqsa Mosque.

The statement denounced the Arab and Islamic silence and backwardness towards the attacks and conspiracies by Jews, Christians and some other Arab regimes.

It also stressed the need to unite the people of the nation to face the face the forces of arrogance and support of Al-Aqsa.