Tourism and Promotion Call on UAE Occupation Forces to Stop Destroying Socotra

The Ministry of Tourism and Tourism Promotion Board called on the United Arab Emirates occupation forces to stop destroying the Yemeni Island of Socotra.

In a statement on Tuesday, the ministry urged the United Nations and the Security Council to accelerate adopting an international resolution to prevent the occupying forces from spoiling the territory of the Socotra Archipelago and its natural resources.

The ministry called on the UN to press UAE to get out from the Yemeni island.

“In an unprecedented event, the UAE has called the people of the island to vote on a referendum of self-determination to join them, and this is the most dangerous step,” the ministry said.

The statement stated that such criminal acts negatively affected the environmental marine and it biological system in the Island, which was recorded by the United Nations Educational, Science and Culture (UNESCO) in its resolution (1263), that makes it part of the Of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

The ministry condemned the continuation of excavation and dredging by the UAE forces.