Trump vetoes Congress’s attempt to block arms sales to Saudi Aggression

US President Donald Trump has revoked three congressional resolutions to halt multi-billion-dollar arms sales to US allies including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which are waging a devastating attack on Yemen.

Trump said in a letter to the Senate justifying the use of the presidential veto that these decisions “weaken the competitiveness of the United States at the international level and harm the important relations that we share with our allies and partners.

This month Congress approved arms embargoes in a move that was a blow to the Trump administration, which took an extraordinary path in May by bypassing congressional approval for deals.

Members of Congress, including some Senate Republicans, said there were no legitimate reasons to bypass Congress, which has the right to reject arms deals.

Observers consider that arms deals will exacerbate the aggression on Yemen, which according to the description of the United Nations war caused the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.