Al-Thawra Establishment commemorates Prophets’ Birth

Al-Thawra Establishment for Press, Printing and Publishing commemorated the Prophet’s birthday, in the presence of the est leadership represented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Editor-in-Chief, Mr. Abdul Rahman Abdullah Al-Ahnoumi, the two Vice-Chairmen of the Board, general managers, directors of departments, heads of departments and employees of the institution.

At the event, Mr. Ali Saleh Al-Matari spoke about this great occasion, pointing out that the enemies of the Islamic nation have targeted Islamic rituals since the early days of the Islamic era, as they targeted the first and second Qiblah, as well as the person of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, as the symbol of the Islamic nation. They targeted other Islamic rituals, most notably the Hajj ritual, which is supposed to be a major Islamic conference in the face of the nation’s enemies and preparing and preparing for the enemies of the Islamic nation.

Mr. Al-Matari also spoke about the importance of celebrating the Prophet’s birthday as the largest revolution in history that was able to establish Islamic values ​​in the hearts of its children in different parts of the world.

For his part, Professor Abd al-Salam al-Muayyad spoke about the importance of reviving the occasion and renewing the covenant and loyalty to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, the importance of emulating the qualities that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, and the importance of  this occasion for poor families and the needy, and visiting the families of martyrs and mujahideen