This holiday season, we can heed John’s and Yoko Ono’s 1969 “Happy Xmas, War is Over, If You Want It” call by acting to end US military, intelligence and logistical support for the Saudi-led coalition in the horrendous war against Yemen.
Over 400,000 Yemenis have perished since the war broke out in 2014, making it the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe, according to the United Nations. Fifty-three years ago, John and Yoko were calling on Americans to act to end the war in Vietnam, which unfortunately took another six years. Today, we can get Congress to pass a War Powers Resolution to end US complicity in Yemen’s catastrophe.
Congress already did so in 2019. President Trump then vetoed it, and the vote to override the veto failed. Since then, thousands more Yemenis have suffered and died. President Biden’s pledge to end “offensive” weapons transfers to the Saudi-led coalition soon after taking office was insufficient to end the war.
A mostly successful truce earlier this year recently expired, and violence has escalated. The time for more definitive action is now. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, long a leader in Congress for ending US support for the war, is pushing for another War Powers Resolution vote on Senate Joint Resolution 56 as soon as next week. He has thirteen co-sponsors, all Democrats at this point, though the 2019 vote did garner significant Republican support, and should again.
The title of the measure, “A joint resolution directing the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress,”
Makes its intent clear. Congress, which the Constitution explicitly gives powers over matters of war, has never approved US participation in the war in Yemen.
While the emphasis needs to be on ending the suffering of Yemenis, symbolized by the slogan Yemen Can’t Wait, political crosswinds could play an unpredictable role in any upcoming Congressional votes. The House of Representatives could schedule a vote soon after a successful Senate vote. House Joint Resolution 87, introduced by Oregon’s Peter DeFazio, has 118 cosponsors, including ten Republicans.
Saudi Arabia’s terrible human rights record and its hideous murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as well as thumbing its nose at President Biden last summer when he embarrassingly beseeched it for help in lowering oil prices (who didn’t cringe at Biden’s fist bump with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman?) are surely negative factors.
We will soon see if Democrats are ready to essentially rebuke their president on this issue. Partisan loyalty cannot be allowed to override the suffering of the people of Yemen. Biden has had plenty of time to shut this war down, and has failed to do so. Congress must act, and is on solid ground in terms of its Constitutional authority.
Source: Common Dreams Website