Ministry Foreign Affairs: Zionist’s Practices Reinforce Option of Resistance

The Yemeni Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sana’a strongly condemned the continuation of the Zionist entity in committing massacres and crimes against Palestinian civilians, the latest of which was the criminal raid on the Jenin refugee camp, which killed 10, including an elderly woman and wounded 20 others.

In a statement, the ministry held the usurping entity responsible for these violations and crimes contradict all international conventions and treaties, especially the four Geneva Conventions.

It stressed that “these criminal practices strengthen the option of resistance among the Palestinian people and the nation to work to end this criminal entity as it is the only option to restore land, rights and protect the obligations of peace and security at the regional level.”

The ministry stressed that “the increase of violations and crimes committed by the Zionist enemy entity is evidence of the failure of the Zionist plan to penetrate the peoples through normalization with stupid governments that are living today a real alienation from their peoples who support the just Palestinian cause.”

It called on “UN Security Council, UN Human Rights Council, Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Arab League to condemn these Zionist practices and assume their responsibility to protect Palestinian civilians.”

The  ministry reiterated Yemen’s support for the Palestinian people, and its full solidarity with the families of the martyrs and the support them in taking measures to protect their people and establish their independent state on all Palestinian territory with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.