Governor of Marib accuses aggression coalition of fueling tribal conflicts in Marib

The Governor of Marib province in Sana’a government, Ali Muhammad Taiman, accused on Monday that the US-backed Saudi-led coalition and its loyal militias of fueling conflicts between tribesmen in the province areas according to the British colonial policy “divide and rule.”

Taiman explained, in a statement issued today, that the bloody events witnessed in the Wadi Abidah district during the past days between the sons of the “Al-Fujeeh” and “Al Rashid Munif” tribes have revealed that leaders loyal to the coalition are behind this sedition which resulted in the death and injury of more than 30 people.

The governor of Marib called on the sheikhs and notables of the two tribes to arbitrate the language of reason and logic and stop bloodshed, and to respond to tribal mediation efforts to stop the war, blaming the coalition forces for the chaos and lawlessness.

“The aggression coalition forces and their tools are plundering the oil and gas wealth from the Safer fields and reaping millions of dollars and working at the same time to occupy the people of Marib with wars and tribal revenge,” he said.

He called for uniting efforts and energies to confront “the aggression coalition forces” and liberate the rest of the areas in the province to ensure security, stability and justice.