Celebrating Prophet’s birthday expresses pride for the greatest prophet

Al-Thawra district has organized in the capital Sana’a Speech events to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, May Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him and his family.

In the event that was held in Tunis district, Minister of Information Dhaifallah al-Shami affirmed that celebrating the great occasion expresses pride for the greatest Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, and makes us among those who stand victorious for the religion of Allah and His honorable Messenger.

Al-Shami pointed out that the Yemenis were the first to support the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, and the first to stand with him, strive and were martyred under the banner of Islam.

Al-Shami pointed out the importance of commemorating the birth of the Prophet with these events, in order to draw lessons and sermons from his biography, the best of prayer and the purest of acceptance, considering that celebrating the birth of the Prophet expresses the sincerity of love and adherence to the Muhammad’s approach, and following the example of the Messenger of Allah, his biography and his honorable morals.

He urged to show joy at the advent of the solemn occasion, to adopt good deeds, to visit the poor and needy, to alleviate their suffering, and to multiply the humanitarian actions that were urged by the teachings of the true Islamic religion.

Al-Shami pointed out that the enemies are trying by various means to influence the faith identity and the strength of the connection with the Holy Messenger, which makes the people of Yemen more keen to strengthen their connection with their Prophet, his biography, behavior, leader and Imam, because they found in him their dignity.

The Minister of Information pointed out that when society turned into an incubator for the banner of the Messenger of Allah and into a society linked by affiliation, loyalty, culture, and behavior to the Messenger of Allah, his reality changed and he lived in freedom, pride, and dignity, despite his suffering from the siege, the interruption of salaries, and other things.

Al-Shami stressed that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, is the role model and the good example, and it is not possible to return to the era of darkness from which Allah brought us out with His Messenger and His Holy Book, and it is not possible to return to the era of assassinations, bombings, fear, American domination and others.

He said “We want to be a nation proud of its Prophet, walking on the book of its Messenger, guided by his guidance, and above all small things. We are a nation that must grow up with the grandeur of our principles and values.”