Riyadh Delegation Hinders Kuwait Consultations


Al-Thawra Net

June 12th, the national delegation ( Ansarullah and GPC ) accused Riyadh delegation of working to make the Yemeni Peace Talks in Kuwait fail by suspending  sessions  more than once and rejecting the joint  session talks for more than 20 days .

National delegation confirmed in statement on Sunday that consultations are going on and looking for a comprehensive political consensual solutions that maintain the unity , dignity and sovereignty of Yemen.

“National delegation stressed, during the session talks, committees discussions and in the meeting of ambassadors,  on  solutions based on basic references of the transitional period,’’ the statement added.

National delegation confirmed that any solution must include a complete and everlasting stop of Saudi-led coalition aggression and lifting blockade on Yemen, as well as include an agreement on the presidency institution , forming a national government and military and security committee , ’’ statement said.