Spokesman of Armed Forces gives detailed press conference about past 8 years of war


Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e, the official spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces, disclosed the harvest of eight years of steadfastness and combat with the Saudi-led coalition at a press conference on Sunday in Sana’a.

In the press conference, Brigadier General Sare’e indicated that Yemen was subjected to the most heinous types of bombing and systematic destruction with the most dangerous and deadly internationally prohibited weapons.

These US-backed air raids had damaged the service infrastructure in several provinces, in addition to the psychological and media warfare used by the enemy to erode the morale and steadfastness of the free people, he explained.

Brigadier General Sare’e affirmed that, with Allah’s help, the military forces were able to stand firm with the people’s backing and thwart the coalition’s avowed and unannounced objectives.

He reported that the coalition’s jets launched more than 274,302 attacks in eight years, including 59 raids in the last year, while emphasizing that the data for the total number of airstrikes are only what the relevant authorities were able to monitor.

Military Operations

Brigadier General Sare’e revealed that the Yemeni armed forces carried out more than 13,229 military operations during the battle to confront the brutal and aggressive war, including 6,702 offensive operations and 6,527 response operations, thwarting offensive attempts and enemy advances.

Missile Operations

Brigadier General Sare’e stated that during the past seven years, the armed forces have achieved field achievements by carrying out dozens of qualitative and wide military operations. He confirmed that the missile force carried out 1,828 military operations, including 1,237 operations targeting enemy gatherings inside Yemeni territory and 589 missile operations targeting the enemy outside Yemeni geography, including operations in the depths of the Saudi and Emirati enemies’ territories.

He noted that the Yemeni missile force now boasts a variety of missile systems, including ballistic and winged missiles, and emphasized the importance of doubling the strategic stockpile of missiles as a deterrent force that has proven effective in recent years.

Air Force Operations

Brigadier General Sare’e revealed that the Air Force drones carried out 12,009 operations in the past 8 years, including 3,264 offensive operations and 8,745 reconnaissance operations, of which 2,267 were inside Yemeni territory and 997 were outside Yemen.

He pointed out that the Air Force played a prominent and important role in the success of many qualitative military operations and constituted an important qualitative addition to the armed forces.

The total air defense operations during the 8 years amounted to 4,585 operations, during which the Air Defense Forces managed to shoot down 165 reconnaissance and warplanes, Brigadier Sare’e said.

He announced the downing of 13 warplanes, 10 Apaches, and 6 helicopters, including Black Hawks, in addition to the downing of 48 armed drones belonging to the US Air Force and shooting down 123 other spy reconnaissance planes.

Navy Operations

Brigadier General Sare’e stated that the Navy and Coastal Defense Forces conducted 38 qualitative operations targeting Saudi and Emirati naval vessels during the last eight years.

Ground Operations

The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces verified that the overall number of operations carried out by ground units in their various formations amounted to 250,000 different operations.

He explained that the total number of sniper operations since entering the combat line was 71,128 operations, while the eighth year’s activities totaled 5,213 sniper operations, 3,374 of which were documented by audio and video.

Brigadier General Sare’e stated that 22,854 engineering unit operations targeted enemy gatherings, as well as 24,907 offensive and defensive operations, while the number of engineering unit operations targeting enemy armored vehicles and equipment amounted to more than 4,414 operations, in addition to 7,942 anti-armor unit operations during the eight years.

He pointed out that 3,082 anti-armor operations targeted the enemy’s fortifications, gatherings, and barracks, and 4860 targeted vehicles, while the total operations carried out by the artillery unit during the past eight years amounted to 85,634 operations, including 1,150 joint operations with drones and 15,269 operations with the Zelzal 1 missile.

The armed forces spokesman confirmed that the human losses of the Saudi enemy army during 8 years amounted to more than 10,840 dead and injured, disclosing the deaths of 36 Saudi officers and soldiers and the wounding of 45 others during the eighth year of the war on Yemen.

He reported that the Emirati enemy’s losses totaled more than 1,251 dead and injured, including officers of higher military grades, while the number of dead and injured from the Sudanese army reached more than 9,545, indicating that during the ninth year of the aggression, more than 40 Sudanese officers and soldiers were killed and 65 more were injured.

Brigadier General Sare’e stated that the losses recorded among the pro-coalition Yemeni troops were more than 261,243 killed and injured in eight years, adding that the death toll of Yemeni mercenaries surpassed 2,500 in the eighth year and more than 5,050 were injured.

He confirmed that Yemeni forces destroyed, damaged, and burned more than 18,397 vehicles, armored vehicles, personnel carriers, tanks, bulldozers, and weapons, and that more than 10,618 operations resulted in the destruction, damage, and burning of enemy vehicles, bulldozers, and armored vehicles.

Brigadier General Sare’e stated that, during the eighth year, more than 1,000 military vehicles, armored vehicles, and military equipment of the enemy were destroyed and damaged, affirming that the continuation of the war and the siege means that the coalition countries and their followers will suffer more losses.

He stressed that “the continuation of the battle will only lead to further escalation and work on more legitimate options to defend Yemen.”

Yemeni Armed Forces’ messages to the coalition countries

The armed forces spokesman urged the puppet regimes that waged war on Yemen to learn from their mistakes and recognize that Yemen has become stronger. He emphasized the importance of redoubling efforts in preparation for any future events and increasing military readiness to confront the forces of invasion and occupation.

He announced the rejection of any presence of foreign forces inside Yemeni territory, insisting that any foreign military presence inside Yemeni territory is a legitimate goal for Yemen’s armed forces and the Yemeni people as a whole.

Brigadier General Sare’e confirmed the readiness of the armed forces to implement the directives of the leadership against the foreign military presence on Yemeni territory, to deal firmly with any developments, and to thwart any moves of the coalition and its tools.

He also announced the continuation of developing military capabilities and doubling combat expertise, as well as monitoring and tracking all attempts to plunder national wealth and appropriately dealing with those attempts within the duties and responsibilities of the armed forces.